Saturday, October 3, 2015

Trying to get back into writing.

My hubby and I just celebrated our 5th anniversary.  I can't believe it's been over a year since I've attempted my hand at blogging.  *sigh*  My niece and her husband celebrated their first anniversary, my husband and I just celebrated our fifth anniversary, my second grandson was born on April 1st and my daughter and her fiancĂ© set the date for their wedding for October 22, 2016!!  So much going on that I can't seem to catch up, but it has been a wonderful ride!!

 I have a new laptop, which is a little testy, but I'm liking it so far.  Sadly, I have a lot to learn on this Window's computer.  Eh...something else to stretch my mind with, I suppose. 

That's it for now.  I'm going to bake an apple pie or two tonight.  Happy Fall, everyone.

Thank you, Lord, for new beginnings. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Wow! I got back in. lol

I was afraid I'd been locked out of my second blog.  Thankfully that isn't the case!! 

Much has happened since my last post in 2012.  I became a grandma, I went to my 25th high school reunion, I've been designing jewelry like a madwoman , my youngest and only daughter turned 21, my youngest son turned 23 which now brings us to present date. 

My niece, my beautiful, precious niece is getting married in September!!! (Gasp!)  It seems like only yesterday I was changing her diapers and calling her my little squishy tooshie!  She'd be mortified if she knew I'd reveled "the" pet name to the world!  haha.  That's what mommy's and auntie's are for. 
I'll be heading out to good ole Washington to provide reinforcement for my intensely frazzled sister-in-law in a couple of weeks.  I'm so looking foward to visiting with the family.  I just wish the hubby was coming with me this time out, but that's for another post.  September is the important time anyway.  Em will be getting married and the hubby and I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary!  My how time flies...

Hmm...seems to be the theme of my posts lately. 

Well...I shall be back later this evening.  I've some jewelry photos to post then!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Time for the Holidays Already?!

Hubby and I Thanksgiving night.
Wow!  It's  been busy.  So much has happened since my last post.  I've got to get a handle on my pages, blogs, etc.  But, I must say, I am a very happy lady and EXTREMELY blessed.  October 6th my very first grandbaby was born.  He is absolutely beautiful.  I have a web storefront in the works as well as the two jobs that I've held on to because I'm just not busy enough.  Ah...but I can't complain.  Life is good and it gets better and better.  God is good.  I promise to be better.  Oh yes!  I have been a jewerly designing fanatic!  hahaha...I'll get some of those pics up soon.  Until then...God bless and good night.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!!

I've been creating up a storm! This is a set I created for a mother of the bride special order. It turned out nicely, I think. Thank you thunder and lightning!  I'm off!!  Much designing to do.  Happy Saturday, everyone!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I place several orders for new supplies which means NEW STUFF COMING SOON! I hope to be posting new photos soon. And, running along the lines of new, I hope to get some writing and painting in as well. This is definitely progress. Anyway, he's a piece I did for a special order. I created a bracelet and necklace to match. I have more creating to do! Be back later!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012